I mentioned in the previous post about using webcams to reach students from around the globe. The same idea can be used with video. If students made daily bloggings to their global partners they could learn the other language and be able to pause the video and rewind to re-listen to a word the might have missed or might need to look up while learning another language.
Another way video is used in the classroom is with Children with Autism. You can put a video on for the children that displays someone washing their hands step-by-step. Children with Autism need to know what to expect when they perform a task and this will help ease their stresses about washing hangs because they can learn in the video exactly what to expect.
Watching a video in another language in the classroom is especially helpful when using a movie the students are already very familiar with in their own language. They know by heart what the script of the movie is so they can translate and pick up on the new language.
Online students can participate in an online lecture posted by their professor. With a lack of face time with the instructor in a classroom setting a student can benefit from a lecture just with the click of a mouse. If the professor gives extra information in their online lectures it really helps the students to hear and see the information as it's being taught to them.
Time lapse videos can help students in a biology or other science class see the growth of an animal or plant that would otherwise take days or even months to observe. Through this observation they can gain an understanding of their subject. Examples would be a chicken hatching or a plant growing. The time lapsed videos in BBC's "Life" series would be excellent resources.
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